People often approach me looking for recommendations, whether it’s for a meditation book for beginners, an app, or a meditation cushion. I have listed my favorites below so it’s all easily available to you in one place!
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If you’re in another country and/or can’t find what you’re looking for then you can use the links below. Some are affiliate links, meaning if you purchase the product via the link, I get a small commission. A big thank you if you choose to use them!
Below you’ll find recommendations for:
- meditation apps
- meditation support (cushions, benches, mats)
- books, podcasts and more
Meditation Apps
While the live support of an experienced teacher and the accountability of a group that a course provides is ideal for establishing and deepening your mindfulness practice, starting out or complementing with a meditation app is really useful. Check out and download my favorites below!
Insight Timer is a free app where you can find and follow your favorite teachers, as well as use their nifty timer if you want to meditate without guidance. Click here to check out my 6-minute meditation and follow my profile, more meditations to come!
Headspace is the app that started my meditation journey. They have 10 days of 10-minute meditations for free, but the paid app is worth it and a great place for beginners.
10% happier has some free content and a paid subscription. I haven’t personally paid, but they have terrific teachers and I really like Dan Harris who is behind the app. Also a great option for beginners as well as more advanced meditators.
Meditation Support
Formal meditation is typically done sitting, standing, walking, or lying down. Here are some of my favorite and environmentally conscious product recommendations. I use and love the regular-sized foldable meditation bench and the biodegradable yoga mat. You can of course also sit on a chair, but whatever you choose, make sure you keep your knees below your hips. Click the bullet points below to read more about the product and purchase.
Alongside taking a structured course or using an app, books are a great way to delve deeper and stay motivated on your mindfulness journey. At the bottom, you will also find podcast recommendations and more.
Written by the founder of the Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) program, this book is considered the bible of mindfulness.
by Daniel Goleman & Richard J. Davidson
A no-BS look at what the research actually says about meditation, and the incredible potential benefits for your mind, brain, and body.
Meditation for Fidgety Skeptics
by Dan Harris
Research supported, funny and practical how-to meditate book following the popular 10 % Happier book.
A Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Workbook
by Bob Stahl
A week-by-week guide. If you wanted to repeat the MBSR course on your own at some point, using this workbook would be a great way to do it.
by Ruby Wax
A light, funny read where a comedian interviews a monk and a neuroscientist; About the mind, the body, the brain, and mindfulness.
The Mindful Way through Depression
by Williams, Teasdale, Segal & Kabat-Zinn
Experts in the field draw on Eastern meditative traditions and cognitive therapy.
Lessons on Mindfulness in Medicine; A beautifully written book for health care practitioners and meditation practitioners alike.
“Designed for on-the-go inspiration, this is a perfect guide to Buddhist principles and the foundations of meditation and mindfulness.” (You don’t have to be a Buddhist to enjoy this!)
by Bessel van der Kolk
Not a mindfulness book, but a renowned and important book within the trauma and larger mind-body field – where mindfulness can have an important role.
Despite the name and book description, this book is loved by spiritual and non-spiritual readers alike. About the importance of awareness, which of course, is what mindfulness is.
Not a mindfulness book, but an excellent read on why and how to cut down on screen time to make time for what matters.
by Ryan Holiday
Also not a mindfulness book, but a popular book on the art of living with bite-sized wisdom from Stoic philosophy to ponder daily.
- Ten Percent Happier by Dan Harris
- Practicing Human with Cory Muscara (shorter episodes, start from the beginning)
- Meditative Story (“part first-person narrative podcast and part guided meditation”)
Find them where you get your podcasts.
Connect with me
Join a meditation class in Estrela park here in Lisbon! Disconnect from technology and recharge in nature. All levels welcome!
Follow me on the free meditation app Insight Timer; a great way to see if you like my style if you are considering a course with me!
Sign up for my monthly newsletter so you don’t miss out on course dates and any new interesting resources, including the latest research on meditation!