Why You Might Consider a Silent Retreat I’m not in the business of trying to convince you to go on a silent meditation retreat, let alone to meditate in general – that is up to
Seeking Out the Good When Training Your Brain for Resilience is Smart – Not Toxic Positivity
Balance Out Your Negativity Bias Your brain has something called a negativity bias. Simplified, this means that we are wired for survival, not for thriving. Our brains were evolved to scan for and hold onto
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What is Mindfulness Meditation – And Why You Should Train Your Brain
Meditation is a buzzword these days, a practice that has massively grown in popularity and has resulted in endless apps, gadgets, books, and services, that now make up a fast-growing industry that sometimes presents meditation
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The Science of Meditation – How Meditation Can Improve Your Wellbeing
As meditation and mindfulness practices are spreading into companies, schools, hospitals, prisons, the military, and into your average home, it’s very important that we pay attention to the actual scientific research behind these ancient
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Why You Should Try Mindful Eating – 3 Easy Challenges
Alright, how many times do we eat something on the go or mindlessly in front of the work desk? How many times do we eat fast and forgot what we ate a couple of hours